Congratulations to Chiltern Primary School on their third consecutive Green Flag award, and it's with a DISTINCTION. This is what the Eco Schools Assessors had to say
"Fantastic work Miss Gibson & Chiltern Primary School!
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Chiltern Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet - your large Eco-Committee, totalling 24 members, clearly demonstrates this. Thank you for sharing your meeting minutes with the Eco-Schools’ Team. They really helped to provide an insight into your Eco-Schools’ work, and the dynamics of your pupil-led Eco-Committee! Completing the Environmental Review allowed your Eco-Committee to recognise the positive changes that your school has already made and gain an appreciation of the future impacts that they can create. Your Environmental Review is packed with comments, and this is exactly what our team enjoys seeing. It’s clear that completing it provided your Eco-Committee with plenty of ideas for creating an impactful Action Plan. You chose projects in your Action Plan were based on children’s ideas and the areas they are most passionate about. This approach places them at the heart of your Eco-Schools work and will lead to increased engagement.
We enjoyed reading about your plans to set up a litter-picking team!
Your Action Plan contains a diverse range of activities aimed at creating positive behaviours, making an immediate difference to your local environment, and expanding your Eco-Schools’ initiatives into your local community.
The three curriculum examples provided are great examples of environmental education, they are practical and fun with a real-life context that is very relevant to pupils in your school. We enjoyed reading about how you have upgraded your lighting system with the benefit of saving energy, a fantastic Science curriculum link!
Staff members in your school have creatively included environmental issues in their teaching, your pupils are fortunate to have teachers who plan such exceptional learning opportunities for them. Your Eco-Committee have used a wide variety of methods to inform their school community about their work including your school newsletters, this shows they take pride in their achievements and are working hard to involve and educate all around them! Your greatest success is a brilliant achievement.
Working towards becoming net Zero has been a huge success! It’s clearly something that pupils will be proud of and leaves a great legacy to build upon! We love your collaborative approach to creating an Eco-Code, this approach has allowed young people to take ownership and create a final code that will be treasured by everyone at your school!
Thank you for your question suggestions for next year’s Environmental Review, they’re intelligent ideas that we will take into consideration when compiling next year’s review.
Thank you so much for submitting such a terrific application. We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved.
We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction, congratulations!