The Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust are a group of schools who share the co-operative ethos.
The whole point of joining a multi-academy trust is to become part of a vibrant network of schools, where each individual school is supported to become highly proficient in improving the life chances of the young people we serve.
From the levy that schools pay to be a member, Thrive provides key services so that as much time as possible is liberated for school leaders to focus on what really matters in their locality - improving frontline provision.
Thrive also works hard to ensure that all schools have access to the support they need, including financial support if necessary, so that there is a consistently high quality of provision across all Thrive schools.

Thrive - Newland School

Thrive - Kelvin Hall

Thrive - Newland School

Thrive - Newland School
The levy - and financial equity:
We supply many services from our central development team using the core levy funding. In real terms, we believe that this represents good value for money.
Key principles
Our model takes guidance from both ‘pooled’ and ‘levy’ methodologies
The levy is funded by % of Age Weighted Pupil Unit Funding (AWPU).
Additional pupil funding is fully retained by all Thrive schools.
Arrangements are reviewed annually
For this you will receive: