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Conseil d'administration

Supporting mental health and emotional well-being

At Thrive the mental health and well-being of our staff and pupil’s is of paramount importance. When children look after their mental health and develop their coping skills it can help them to boost their resilience, self-esteem and confidence. This in turn helps them to learn to feel calm, self-regulate and engage positively with their education.

Strength to change-

We help men find the strength to stop domestic violence. We understand how domestic violence can start and how to stop it. Talk to strength to change and you will get real advice and practical tools to help stop violence in your home.


Hull DAP

The Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership (Hull DAP) aims to provide specialist multi-agency support to safeguard individuals and their children who are experiencing domestic abuse while holding the perpetrators of this accountable for their behaviours.

DAP flyers in 12 different languages


White Ribbon

Chiltern Primary School have achieved White Ribbon accreditation White Ribbon is a global campaign that encourages people, and especially men and boys, to individually and collectively take action and change the behaviour and culture that leads to abuse and violence. 

Thrive White ribbon action plan

English WR Acc Certificate

Accreditation media release

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