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Pupils from a primary school playing outside on a climbing frame.

Inspiring pupils to thrive in life.

Picture of Vantage North Humber Teacher Training logo

Ez ji şagirtan hez dikim ku di jiyanê de bi pêş bikevin.

Join us for our AI conference on "Strategic Integration of AI in Education" with Dan Fitzpatrick. Dan will be sharing his insights on the transformative potential of AI in education and how we can best prepare students for the future.


A Thrive school is one that is a dynamic community of staff, pupils and their families all focussed on one thing - inspiring pupils to thrive in life.

Dibistanek Thrive ew e ku civakek dînamîk a karmend, xwendekar û malbatên wan e ku hemî li ser yek tiştî disekinin - şagirtan teşwîq dike ku di jiyanê de pêş bikevin.

Ev mîsyona me ye ji ber ku em bawer dikin ku dibistanên mezin ji fêrbûna fabrîqeyan pir wêdetir in. Ew cîhên veguherîner in ku çav lê têne vekirin, piştgirî û lênêrîn têne xuyang kirin, û potansiyela kesane tê zanîn.
Em ê çawa bigihêjin vê? Bi hevkarî xebitîn û bi rêzgirtina Peymana Pêşketinê.

How will we achieve this? By working cooperatively and holding fast to the Thrive Charter.

Mesajên dawî

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