Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust di Îlona 2016-an de hate damezrandin û naha berpirsiyarê 9 dibistanan li seranserê Hull, 2 navîn û 7 dibistanên seretayî ye.
Em pabend in ku hemî dibistanên me bigihîjin karûbarek karsaziyek bi kalîte da ku xebata hêja ya ku dibistanên me di perwerdekirina şagirtên me de dikin bin pê bikin.
Ev girêdanek ji Daxuyaniya Nepenîtiyê ya Serlêderên Karê me re ye, ku rave dike ka em çawa daneyên kesane yên li ser kesên ku serlêdana karên li dibistana xwe dikin berhev dikin, hilînin û bikar tînin.
Daxuyaniya Nepenîtiyê ya Serlêderên Kar
Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust ji bo parastin û pêşvebirina bextewariya zarokan pabend e. Pêdivî ye ku serlêder amade bin ku di bin çavdêriya Parastina Zarokan de ya ku bi postê re têkildar e, di nav de kontrolên bi kardêrên berê re û her weha bi Karûbarên Aşkerekirin û Astengkirinê re derbas bibin.
Berfirehiya Karên Vakslêdanê
Site Facilities Officer
Required as soon as possible, a Site Facilities Officer to join our team. This role will be predominantly based at Kelvin Hall School. However, may be required to cover across all sites within our Trust.
Main duties for the role include site security, health and safety, covering school events, lettings and general maintenance duties. The role will be expected to provide on-call service on a rota basis to cover an alarm activation at one or more of our schools – additional pay is available for this.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 3rd February 2025, 12 noon
Senior Cleaning Assistant
Required from February 2025, a reliable and dedicated Senior Cleaning Assistant to join our in-house team. You will be required to undertake cleaning duties in accordance with cleaning schedules and, under the direction of the School Business Manager, carry out daily monitoring to ensure the provision of clean and hygienic facilities for students, staff and visitors. Previous experience in a school or business environment is essential.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Thursday 6th February 2025, 16:00pm
Cleaning Assistant
Required as soon as possible reliable a dedicated Cleaning Assistant to join our in-house team. Under the direction of the Senior Cleaning Assistant you will be required to undertake duties in accordance with cleaning schedules, ensuring the provision of clean and hygienic facilities for students, staff and visitors. Previous experience in a school or business environment is desirable; however, full training will be given.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Thursday 6th February 2025, 16:00pm
Chief Executive Officer
We seek a visionary CEO to lead Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust through its next chapter, guiding the Trust’s strategic direction, supporting school improvement, and championing our co-operative values. This is a role for a compassionate, dynamic leader who understands the transformative power of education.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Thursday 13th February 2025, 9am