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Свободни работни места


Подбуждам учениците да процъфтяват в живота.

Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust е създаден през септември 2016 г. и сега отговаря за 9 училища в Хъл, 2 средни и 7 основни училища.

Ние се ангажираме да гарантираме, че всички наши училища имат достъп до висококачествени бизнес услуги, за да подкрепим отличната работа, която нашите училища вършат в образованието на нашите ученици.

Това е връзка към нашето Съобщение за поверителност на кандидатите за работа, което обяснява как събираме, съхраняваме и използваме лични данни за лица, кандидатстващи за работа в нашето училище.

Съобщение за поверителност на кандидатите за работа

Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust се ангажира да опазва и насърчава благосъстоянието на децата. Кандидатите трябва да са готови да преминат подходящи за длъжността скрининг за закрила на детето, включително проверки при предишни работодатели, както и от Службата за разкриване и забрана.


Формуляр за кандидатстване


Свободни работни места Thrive 

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Classroom Teacher 

Sidmouth is a rapidly improving inner city primary school looking to recruit a teacher who is committed to improving outcomes for every child by providing learning opportunities that challenge and inspire at all levels. We would welcome applicants from any stage in their careers. Our team is committed to raising aspirations for the children in our community by providing the best possible education for all. If you are passionate about making learning challenging and relevant and enjoy working as part of a motivated and creative team then this could be the job you’re looking for.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Monday 10th February 2025, 9:00am  

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Teaching Assistant Level 2 - ASC Hub 

Ings Primary School is looking to appoint a Teaching Assistant Level 2 to join our team. The successful candidate must have an understanding of the primary curriculum and a positive approach to managing children’s behaviour. The candidate should have high expectations of the pupils and of themselves and be fully committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children. Experience in all phases to be considered.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Thursday 13th February 2025, 9:00am

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Cleaning Assistant 

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Wednesday 19th February 2025, 12 noon


Exam Invigilators 

The Boulevard Academy is looking to appoint several Exam Invigilators. Experience of invigilation is not required as training in the role and duties of an invigilator will be provided. Invigilators are required to confirm their availability in advance of main exam periods. Invigilators must confirm the confidentiality and security requirements surrounding the invigilation process are known, understood and will be followed at all times.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Friday 28th February 2025, 12 noon 


Chief Executive Officer

We seek a visionary CEO to lead Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust through its next chapter, guiding the Trust’s strategic direction, supporting school improvement, and championing our co-operative values. This is a role for a compassionate, dynamic leader who understands the transformative power of education.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Thursday 13th February 2025, 9am 

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