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Assemblies & Dashboards - Reinforcing the Pupil Agency Message in Schools

In the Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust, we are passionate about Pupil Agency. Over the last couple of years, we have been on an amazing journey both of discovery, growth and understanding about the power of the Pupil Voice in bringing about change and influencing the lives of our young people. Each year, we undertake pupil surveys, based around the Lundy Model of Child Participation. These surveys provide us with quantitative data which gives us a feel for Pupil Agency in each of our schools and across our trust. Then we undertake our qualitative work. We have been having discussions with all of our school student councils. They look through the data from the survey, which is presented in Dashboard slides presentations. The student reps come up with their own reasons for the results and, more importantly, suggestions about how each of the Lundy Model domains of Space, Voice, Audience & Influence could be strengthened in their schools. The Dashboard presentations are updated with their ideas then these presentations are shown in assemblies or tutor groups to the rest of the students. We are currently waiting for the final suggestions to be added to the Dashboards before these are forwarded, like a baton exchange, to the schools' SLTs to be included in the next development plans. Meanwhile, examples of successful agency work are being compiled into Case Study presentations to be shared by students in our first Thrive Student Congress in July.


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